True religion is taking care of widows and orphans
True religion is taking care of widows and orphans

true religion is taking care of widows and orphans

“It says this is true religion, ‘Taking care of widows and orphans.’ Adoption is highlighted by the fact that James talks about orphans and later in the same passage God talks about being a Father to the fatherless.” “The first reason why Danna and I thought adoption was important is because in the book of James the Bible says it is,” he said. Stinson pointed to James teaching about orphans in Scripture as a key reason behind he and Danna’s interest in adoption. The Stinson’s adopted two girls - Eden, 7, and Payton, 5 - from Taiwan in November 2004. Moore, senior vice president of academic administration and dean of the School of Theology, and his wife Maria recounted their respective adoption experiences and fielded questions at the event.

true religion is taking care of widows and orphans true religion is taking care of widows and orphans

Actually adopting someone is a stark picture of the Gospel.” The doctrine of adoption is at the heart of the Gospel and if we are going to be a Gospel-centered people we should take seriously this thing (adoption) that is in front of all of us. “All people are born outside of the family of God and the only way to get into the family of God is through Christ. “Outside of Christ, we are all orphans,” he said. Stinson, dean of the School of Leadership and Church Ministry and executive director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, said the nature of the Gospel shows that adoption is important to God and thus it should be important to the church. 30 at the first Pendergraph women’s ministry event of the spring semester. Reflection on how people become a part of God’s family and God’s command to care for orphans reveals the value and importance of adoption, Randy Stinson said Jan.

True religion is taking care of widows and orphans